Work Map
Pipeline operator had a called internal anomaly, that had to be investigated. The pipeline was in a inland drinking water reservoir with 7 feet of mud cover and 19 feet of water with 5 ½” concrete coating. We had the task of connecting portable barges together, load crane, deep water caisson along with many other pieces of equipment needed to expose pipe. Once pipe was exposed concrete was removed, pipe was then sand blasted. NDE then performed evaluation of defect, once evaluation was complete repair method was to install type B sleeve, pipe was then coated and site was then backfilled to previous cover.
Dean Companies was awarded a project in Larose, LA to install 4500’ of new 14” pipeline to replace a vintage 18”. All spool pieces were prefabricated in Deans yard in Harvey and coated to operators painting specs. Launchers and receivers were removed and sent to the Harvey yard for modifications and returned to service. Entire system was hydrotested prior to running caliper pig through new 14” pipeline. Installation consisted of 2 directional bores beneath navigable waterways. All civil work was completed by Dean for the foundation and pipe supports for all new equipment. Project was completed ahead of schedule with no accidents or injuries.
Dean Companies was awarded a pipeline integrity project to investigate an anomaly on a 14” pipeline that was called out during an in-line inspection performed by the operator. Repair was completed in a small canal in a sensitive environment due to landowner requirements for the property. Dean accessed the property with 3 barges and tugs with associated equipment to safely complete the repair. Pipeline was exposed inside of the caisson box and anomaly was graded to determine the proper repair method. Welders installed a full encirclement sleeve after instructions from operator’s integrity group. Area was returned to proper condition and all equipment removed from the location. No accidents and injuries.
Description was removal of old wooden rotted out platform and replace with new concrete piles/ concrete platform with handrails.
Dean’s team utilizing specialized equipment, are frontline participants in this environmental restoration project. Dean's involvement will ensure additional environmental degradation is prevented and the wetlands are properly restored.